Minggu, 23 September 2018



Carnocap is a good choice to help treating cancers, tumor, and cysts due to its content of extract natural herbs that can inhibit and even stop the growth of abnormal cells including the cancer cells

KELADI TIKUS : Kill and inhibits the growth of effects of chemotherapy, its also has fuction as anti virus and antibacteria

OLDENLANDIA : An antipyretic, anti inflammation, anti toxin, anti cancer, and also toxin, anti cancer, and also activate blood circulation

JOMBANG : An antibiotic, anti inflammation, anti pyretic, anti toxin, anti cancer and tumor, and is a diuretic subtance

GREEN CHIRAYTA : An antibiotics, antipyretics, anti inflammation, diuretic, anti bacterial, analgesic, it also helps to relieve fever, enhances cellular immunity and increases the glands activity

ROUND ROOTED GALANGALE : AN anti oxidant, anti inflammation, anti neoplastic, and anticoagulant

WHITE TURMERIC : An anti inflammation, launch blood circulation, and anti neoplastic

DAUN DEWA : An antipyretic, anticoagulant, stimulate circulation, anti toxin, anti carcinogenic and anti mutagenic



Carnocap menghambat dan mematilan sel sel tumor dan kanker

CARNOCAP pilihan tepat untuk membantu mengatasi masalah kanker, tumor, dan kista, karena mengandung ekstrak herbal alami yang menghambat bahkan menghentikan pertumbuhan sel sel abnormal termasuk sel kanker

Manfaat dan kegunaan

Keladi tikus : membunuh /menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker, menghilangkan efek buruk kemoterapi, bersifat anti virus dan anti bakteri

Rumput mutiara : anti piretik, anti inflamasi, anti toksin, anti kanker, mengaktifkan sirkulasi darah

Jombang : anti biotik, anti inflamansi, anti toksin, anti piretik, anti kanker dan tumor

Sambiloto : menurunkan panas, anti biotik, anti piretik, anti radang, anti bengkak, diuretik, anti bakteri, analgetik, meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh, seluler dan meningkatkan aktifitas kelenjar kelenjar tubuh

Kubur putih ; Anti oksidan, anti inflamasi, anti neoplastik anti koagulan

Temu putih : anti inflamasi, melancarkan sirkulasi darah, anti neoplastik

Daun dewa : anti piretik, anti koagulan, stimulasi sirkulasi, anti toksin, anti karsinogenik, anti mutagenik

Bidadari upas : anti inflamasi, analgesik, anti toksin

harga hanya 120 ribu saja
Isi 50 kapsul

Titi triani


Sabtu, 22 September 2018



Hemorrhoids is a disease caused by swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum or the skin around it..

Hemorrhoids cause bleeding and painful bowel movements..

BIOSIR made from herb that have pharmacology effect as a laxative that induces bowel moments or loosens the stool..


As an anti constipation, anti inflammation in avoiding swollen, energy bosster anti bacteria and fungus, decay the gall sap, stabilized the liver function so that the body metabolism works perfectly..

As an anti infection, antipyretic, diuretic, cell regeneration, launch blood circulation and revitalize blood vessel..

As an antibiotic, analgesic, and strengthen the immune system..




Wasir adalah penyakit yang disebabkan karena pembesaran atau pembengkakan pembuluh vena pada selaput lendir dubur atau pada kulit disekitarnya, wasir sering mengakibatkan pendarahan saat buang air besar..

BIOSIR dapat mengatasi masalah wasir dan gejalanya, Biosir menggunakan herna herba yang memiliki efek farmakologi sebagai laksatìf/pencahar untuk memperlancar buang air besar..


Sebagai anti sembelit, anti radang, menghambat pembengkaan, tonikum (penambah tenaga), anti bakteri dan jamur, peluruh getah empedu, juga menjaga fungsi hati sehingga metabolisme tubuh dapat berjalan sempurna..

Sebagai anti infeksi, penurun panas, peluruh air seni, regenerasi sel dan memperbaiki sirkulasi dengan revitalisasi pembuluh darah (mempertinggi permeabilitas kapiler)

Sebagai antibiotik, pereda panas, pereda nyeri, juga meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh..


dapat dipesan dengan hanya 90 ribu rupiah..
Isi 50 kapsul


Kamis, 20 September 2018


Andrographis Centela
Contain the ectracts of green chirayta (Andrographis paniculata), the blady grass (imperata cylindrica),and centella plant (centella asiatica)

Andrographis Centella is the best liver protector (hepato protector),a natural analgesic (relleving pain) and antibiotic. It also helpful in improving the body immune system and bring down fever


Relieves typhus abdominalis dysentery basilur, salesma,headache,fever,influenza,pneumonia, respiratory tract infections,pulmonary tuberculosis,pertussis or whooping cough, hypertension, diabetes,mouth infections,tonsillitis,pharyngits, scruvy,gonorrhoea,cancer,middlel ear infections, burns,poisonous snake and improve appetite

Blady Grass

Treat blood vomiting, nosebleed,hematuria,hepatitis,nephritis,reduce measles

Centella (Centella asiatica)
Treat urinary tract infections,boil,fever,edema,fatty liver, measle,hypertension,memperhalus,typhoids,leprosy,blood cough,blood vomiting,asthma,dry cough,tonsil inflammation,pharyngitis,bronchitis,headache,abdominal,pain,red and swollen eyes and increase appetite

Order Andrographis Centella
IDR 70.000
Content: 75 capsules

Andrographis Centella

Mengandung ekstrak sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), ekstrak ilalang (imperata cylindrica) dan ekstrak pegagang (Centella asiatica)

ANDROGRAPHIS Centella berperan sebagai pelindung liver (hepato protector) terbaik, bermanfaat meningkatkan sistim kekebalan tubuh, menurunkan panas (bersifat diuretic) analgesik alami dan anti biotic alami

Manfaat dan kegunaan

Sambiloto efektif untuk tipes, diare,flu ,sakit kepala,panas, influensa, radang paru paru,radang saluran nafas, TBC paru, batuk rejan, darah tinggi, infeksi mulut, tonsilitis, pharingitis, kudis, disentri, kencing nanah,kangker,demam,infeksi telinga,luka bakar,digigit ular berbisa,membangkitkan nafsu makan

Ilalang (imperata cylindrica)

Efektif untuk muntah darah, mimisan,urine berdarah, urine bernanah, hepatitis, radang ginjal, rasa haus pada campak

Pegagang (Centella Asiatica)

Efektif untuk saluran kencing, bisul,panas,ayan, busung, pembengkakan hati, campak, darah tinggi, wasir, typhus, lepra, batuk darah, muntah darah, batuk asthma, batuk kering, demam, radang ,amandel, sakit tenggorokan, bronchitis, sakit kepala, sakit perut, cacingan, menambah nafsu makan, mata merah dan bengkak..

Silakan order
Hanya 70.000 rupiah belum ongkir
Isi 75 kapsul
Contac person :
Titi Triani

Dan banyak produk lainnya tunggu ulasan berikutnya..
Semoga dibermanfaakan ..



Bilberry contains anthocyanidin (one form of flavonoid) and polyphenois as antioxidants that can improve microcirculation and maintain the function of the retina.
The coumpound is effective for blood flow to the retina in people with macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and increases vasibility at night

Bilberry fruit has been used since the 16th century in Europe as a traditional  medicine to treat disorders of the blood and eye diseases because it contains an active subtance called anthocyanoside,,

The subtance can build strong capilaries found on most of the blood vesseis, thereby increasing the blood flow and oxygen supply to the capillaries, increased blood flow to the eyes can prevent ocular hypertension that reduce the risk of glaucoma

Bilberry can help stop the spread of macular degeneration caused by retina demage in people who are over 50 years old.
Bilberry has also been proven to prevent caracts, blurred vision and night blindness, because it has flavonoids contents that produce collagen in blood vessel in the eyes and senitive areas around the retina

Bilberry also proven can treat symptoms of diarrhea, launch blood flow, strengthens teeth and skin from irritation and infection and cure the disorder in the stompach/gastrointestinal   

IDR 130.000
Content 50 capsules

Titi T

Green Hirata (Androgenetic panggilan)
